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Showing posts from January, 2015

Honey, Honey

        Honey has always been on the top of my list when I think about moisturizing my skin (lips, face, body).  And let's not forget our locks.  A hot oil treatment mixed with honey is sure to make your locks soft and shiny.  Also, one of the things I am consistently working to address are my allergies.  I recently learned that taking a spoonful of local honey can assist with managing and possibly alleviating allergies when triggered by enviornmental culprits.  Well honey, there's more to honey that just the few things that I have mentioned, by far.    Here is a great link from Oranic Facts, which mentions a mulitude of uses and benefits of honey.  I'm sure there are many uses you've never even thought of, so please view and learn ways use honey as an alternative natural healer, and more.

Must Have Oils - hair, face, body, nails, cooking

Oils are definitely a must have for my household.  Of course I use them in my beauty products, but I also apply them to my body, hair, and face.  Yes, straight from the bottle.  My face loves grapeseed and coconut oil.  They are both extremely lightweight.  I never worry about the oil clogging my pores or leaving an oily residue behind.  They are powerful enough to even keep me moisturized through these cold dry winter months.  I use argan, coconut, and grapeseed oil on my hair for added moisture, as well as to prevent breakage, and for sealing my ends.  These oils also come in handy when doing hot oil treatments, scalp massages, or removing makeup.  Click link below to review a great article from Triburban, .  It offers tidbits on the oils mentioned as well a few more of my favorites.