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Showing posts from April, 2011

Cool Treats for Warm Weather

Here are some great links that I have come across, showing off wonderful buys! From summer shoes to colorful handbags! Or perhaps you just need to be inspired. View these links and happy shopping! Summer Sandals: Spring Wedges: More Summer Shoes Bright Lips: Bright Handbags!: Full Range of Naural Beauty Products: More Natural Products:

My April Fun Finds

I guess I could call myself a product junkie.  Finding something that works for me is always a plus, and when it really works, I like to share the news with all.  Why not, maybe my findings can be of some help to you.  No, they won't change your world, but they may make you smile a bit.  So here are a few items I have come across this month and adored! Shea Moisture-  This is a wonderful company that offers all natural and organic skin and hair products.  I have shopped the line at Walgreens for haircare products and Target for body.  Consider Shea Moisture Organic Cocunut And Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie.  It works well on natural hair giving the hair a sheen and pleasant smell. For the body, I love their organic bar soap.  The cost of one bar is $4.99 but they are giant 8 oz. which is equivalent to about two bars of soap. They make my skin feel like silk and they smell good. One of my fav

Savvy Wash

Dishes and laundry are two household tasks that we all know well.  These are chores we picked up on way back in our teen years, if not younger.  You have probably got them down to a science, but how about I give you a few interesting facts and tips that can save time, energy, money, and protect  the environment.  Read on! We have an understanding that using the dishwasher is greener than washing by hand. This is true in most cases, and even more so if you have an energy-efficient dishwasher.  Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind to be even greener and cut costs on your water and electricity bills. Reduce your water consumption: Avoid pre-rinsing and only run full loads.  If you are neat freak and just hate to go to bed with a disorderly kitchen, throw the dishes in the dishwasher and run it once full. Try using the cold-water setting if this is an option on your dishwasher. Also let the dishes air dry, versus using the heat dry option.  The heat actually puts a lot of wear on

Summer Sensations

With warmer weather quickly approaching, it's a fine time to update your look and get ready for the sunshine. I have listed simple sugestions that can give you a little beauty therapy. Kiss My Tresses- Go lighter and brighter. I add a little color to my hair naturally by putting cranberry juice on it. It's gives my hair hints of light browns and red. Here's a link that gives you additional tips on coloring your hair naturally. Go for the Gold- Get a natural glow, sunkissed cheeks and an all-over glow by using a bronzer. Add a cream or powdered bronzer to your face where the sun would naturally hit. Also, consider a self-tanner to get even glowing skin tone. You can use for a few days, and quickly see a noticable difference in your complexion. I have used Jergens Natural Glow body lotion for the past four summers and absolutely love it. Look like you were hanging at the beach all day. If you want to pass on t

Sweet Dreams

A survey completed by Allure Magazine reported that 71% of women think they don't get enough sleep. Do you struggle with falling asleep or staying sleep through the night. Do you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning, even after resting for 6 to 8 hours? An article written in October 2010 by Dr. Mercola reported that impaired sleep patterns can cause stress disorders which may lead to heart disease, stomach ulcers, constipation, and/or mood disorders. Regular loss of sleep makes you age faster and chronic insomnia can make any illness more severe. Here are a few natural remedies/tips that you may like to try to get you moving towards a good nights' rest. Please note that you may want to consult a doctor if you actually suffer from chronic insomnia, as this could be a symptom of a more serious condition. Yoga - Deep breathing, meditation, and stretching right before you go to bed Aromatherapy - Lavender, chamomile, and ylang ylang are considered to b

Simple Living- Decluttering

Statistic from Valorie Burton's book, 'How Did I Get So Busy?' found 55% of the women surveyed indicated that they had not had vistitors in their home in over two months due to the condition of their place. Does this sound like you? Well, in the the spirit of spring cleaning, i'm offering up tips and resources you may want to addopt in hopes of simplifying your home. So why is your home out of order?  Need more space, storage solutions, or just more time?  I know that I personally struggle with time.  Staying on top of household duties is a part time job; cleaning, washing, folding, etc.  But I know how gratifying it is to come home to a clean house, and i'm sure anyone reading this would agree. First step in simplifying your space is getting rid of unnecessary things: For some reason, we have been trained that we need more space, a bigger house, bigger car, more closets and more cabinets.  But reality may be that we just have too much stuff! Clean for a Cause