Life can be so fast paced, non-stop at times. There are days when I say, 'I'd like to get off this ride and take a break!' And I will slow down if at all possible, meaning saying no to someone, I can't help, I can't go. Sometimes it's just necessary for me to check in with myself and realize when too much is too much.
Just two weeks ago, I was laid out on a beach, on an island, alone. No children, no husband, not even a girlfriend. Just me, my music, and a good book. It's rare that I get time alone, but I believe it's highly necessary. I've gotten a few raised eyebrows because I have taken several trips without my children, a few outside of the country. I don't feel guilty one bit. I'm certainly not a perfect mother, but I know that quality time is important in my household, along with family fun, activities, and traveling.
Although challenging, stealing alone time really needs to be made a priority. This time can attribute to better health as well as serve as a stress reliever. Allowing yourself a moment of self-reflection benefits your physical and emotional well-being, ultimately making you a better you.
I personally steal alone time and take long baths and read. Are you making time for yourself? If so, how often and what are you doing? Comment here, on Facebook, or Twitter. If you want to stay current on Good For Me posts, follow via e-mail.