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My Three C's

Coconut oil, cucumber, cod liver oil!  These are three products that you will want to get your hands on after reading this post.  I've found them to be life savers in countless ways. These are all-natural, good-for-you products, easy to get your hands on, and super affordable!

Coconut oil does wonders for the body, and in so many ways. I started using the oil in my hair this past summer, but have since discovered the many other benefits I could use in my life.  Of course you can cook with coconut oil, but try using this product for soothing and healing dead skin. Massage into the dry areas of the body, including the scalp, and you'll quickly see a noticeable improvement.  Experience growth in your eyelashes by gently rubbing on your lashes daily.   I only use organic virgin coconut oil to ensure that I get the most use out of the oil, as this is naturally unrefined

View the link to see additional pros of coconut oil.

The cucumber is rich in fiber, and recommended for improving the complexion -hydrating and refreshing the skin. Suffering from heartburn, gas, ulcers?! Try introducing cucumber to your diet. It eliminates swelling and soothes the eyes. Cucumber juice can help to control eczema, arthritis and gout! Cleaning with the cucumber-clean faucets, sinks, or stainless steel.

Cod liver oil!? I consume one teaspoon daily to serve as a natural cure and preventive method from illnesses, diseases and ailments. It has been proven to serve as an anti-depressent, and also helps fight against memory loss and old-aging, keeping the body in tact. This oi is so powerful, it can fight off heart disease, as well as strengthen eyesight and the bones. Yes, the taste and oily texture is challenging for most to stomach, but believe me when I say, the many benefits of this oil outweigh the taste. By the way, you can purchase flavored oil (lemon or cherry) but honestly, the taste is pretty much the same.

I strongly encourage you to consider these items as natural remedies, preventatives, and solutions to the dilemmas in your life.

Please tell me if you have tried any of the C's listed and your experience! Post a comment here or through Facebook!

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