Get rid of "everything" that is bad for you:
I'm always stressing the importance of analyzing our belongings, tossing junk, unnecessary items, unimportant things that take up space in our homes, space, and our minds. We often get too attached to "things" but I know from experience, how empowering it feels to free up your space.
But what about people? Yes, people that are negative, unhealthy, space-invaders, and toxic. Often, people can distract us from our goals or possibly block our opportunities and happiness.
I've removed and let go of several people in my life over the years, because I felt it was absolutely necessary. Even if it's someone you love- love them from a distance. If the relationship is exhausting, draining you mentally, getting the best of you, let it go. No explanation needed, and no guilt to follow.
Below, Zen Habits offers a list of ways to deal with the good, the bad, and the ugliness of a relationship, as well as when to walk away. Check it out!