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The Clay Detox

If you follow me, or if you are famililar with the Bon Pour Moi Product collections, you know that I am a huge fan of clay.  BPM offers Indian, Moroccan (red clay), French clay, Kaolin (white clay), Rhassoul , Kelp , Triphala, Manjista, and Mud.  Yes, that's a long list of options.  And that's because I love clay and it's countless benefits.  It's a natural healer, and can be used in several ways to address your concerns. 
Below, I've attatched a few links from various websites that share how clay can be used in your healing process.  Also, see a few testimonies showing the power of clay detoxes.   
Check it out, and submit your questions and clay orders now.  $6 for one item, or $15 for three items. 

The Detox Bath with Clay
Clay Facial
Clay Hair Mask
Foot Clay Mask
Results and testimonies from clay use: Excerpts taken from Eyton's Earth are listed below.  Click link to see full findings!  Amazing, and life changing possiblites discovered with the proper use of clay.
  • Relief from symptoms of toxicity and trauma is not uncommon with clay therapy, and even the medical community has a tough time finding valid reasons not to at least allow individuals with toxic exposures of any kind to try clay baths, since there are very few contraindications to bathing.

  • Recovery from acute toxicity using clay therapy can actually be quite shocking. In Cano Graham's book, "The Clay Disciples", Cano experienced first hand how critical clay therapy can be to support the body in the recovery process.

In particular, Cano believed that clay therapy was the perfect choice for herbicide and pesticide poisoning. However, he had no idea how effective it would be to treat severe and acute poisoning, until his experience with the sufferers in Dunsmuir.

  • A Southern Pacific Railroad tank car had jumped off track, and dove into the Sacramento River. The tank ruptured, and dumped toxic chemicals into the river. Cano spent part of a month assisting the locals with clay therapy.  Clay therapy worked to eliminate weeping sores, rashes, headaches, aching joints, and a host of other chemical toxicity symptoms.  Cano would have any local brave enough to want to heal take hot clay baths, from between 45 minutes to an hour long, with one cupful of clay; he would have them drink clay water, and while in-bath, he would have them do cool clay compresses on the face and forehead and over the eyes.

After finishing a clay bath, Cano instructed those suffering with skin lesions and rashes to apply the clay gel wherever skin problems existed; he told them to just let the clay dry, and lie down on sheets and relax.

  • Clay therapy was successful for those who utilized it, far beyond what anyone could have predicted, and those who were wise enough to follow through with clay therapy experienced quick relief from their many symptoms.

There are those who believe that adding herbs and other reactive organic elements to clay baths is a great idea. They are most welcome to their opinion, but this is not very often a wise idea.

To follow the ancient traditions, only use clay, water, oxygen, natural minerals, and non-reactive and completely natural substances when using actual clay therapy. Furthemore, do not use chemically processed clay, and while standard clays share the detoxification properties scientifically known, actual therapeutic grade clays are far superior in their actual healing potential.

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