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The Understatement, I'm Flawed

How many times have I flipped through a magazine, or scrolled through Pinterest, and stopped midway because I came across a face that was simply beautiful.  I often think that just maybe, the days of perfection are going out the window.  Perhaps, we are finally starting to accept beauty and all of it's flaws that go along with it.  The shape, freckles, glasses, braces, gap teeth, too skinny, too fat, too tall, too short, big butt, flat butt, too dark and pale, straight and curly hair, thick and fine hair.

And the list goes on.....

I'm amazed more often than not, because I'm constantly reading and reviewing articles and websites that focus on what's going on in our world today.  The truth is, no "I didn't wake up like this, perfect, and I don't live a life of perfection."  Even the stars are starting to voice their flaws, and parent's are calling out their own downfalls.  I'm loving it, because it just helps us all be more present.

I love a good testimony.  Just confirms that I'm not the only one going through it.  I could try harder in many areas of my life, and I've missed the beat a few times because I procrastinated, failed to keep a positive attitude, forgot to show my appreciation, fell into a rut, got too anxious, too angry, too caught up in the moment, forgot to be present, forgot to pray.

And life goes on.....

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