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Showing posts from 2012

Shield and Protect- Herbal Solutions

Consider the following for a simple and practical form of healing -    Try using organic seasonings, spices, and herbs to ensure your digestive system since they are in their rawest from, and tend to be the most effective when consuming.    My favorites and easy go-to herbs are turmeric, cumin, parsley, garlic, and ginger. I attached this amazing link below that includes a chart of herbs solutions from the site, Annie's Remedy.   It's jammed packed with a load of great info on pretty much any herb you're curious about.  Also, if you're looking to heal a specific area of the body or remedy a certain ailment, simplify your search by typing in the actual condition or ailment you're trying to address.   This will help narrow your search. What works for you?  Are there any ailments you're struggling to heal?  Let me know and I will respond with a few suggestions!

Woes Of The Common Cold- Natural Preventions and Remedies

Cure those winter woes faster, and better yet, shield the body from being atttacked by the common cold and flu symptoms.  Natural remedies are the best way to go, as they allow you to be kind to the body, yet still be effective. The Wellness Mama site has a wealth of knowledge on everything good for you. Please read the info in the link below.  It includes a great list of options for alternative healing methods and concoctions that have proven to be successful for the entire family. Give the body what it needs to stay in good health through these upcoming cold months.  It will truly benefit you in the long run!

Natural Healing Process- Ginger Root

Ever considered bypassing the medicine aisle when a headache, cramps, or other aches arise?  Muddling through the day, you may find it necessary to reach for an aspirin, but ever considered a more natural approach? Ginger is a well known alternative to medicine -  a natural herb offering great healing properties. Acid reflux, indigestion, nausea or upset stomach, bad cough and congestion, menstrual cramps, flu and arthritis symptoms, pain and stiffness, toothaches, to name a few. **Honey mixed with a piece of ginger is known to be the most powerful remedy for respiratory problems. The ginger can also be consumed in several ways:  ginger root pills/vitamins, ginger paste, ginger juice, ginger beer, tea, dried ginger, and of course fresh ginger. See a great list of simple remedies for diseases, aches and pain using ginger in the following link: Learn other facts and uses for ginger by viewing the following lin

Forever Young-Age Defying Foods

Slow down the aging process by making smarter choices in what you consume daily. Try incorporating a few of the mentioned items in your diet now, and see noticeable changes fast- internally as well as externally. Prevent illnesses and ailments, as well as heal the body of sicknesses and diseases. Also achieve longer healthier hair and nails, glowing skin, and more. View the short slide show below from Live Strong -  and start the movement towards a healthier, younger body. Slide show:

Oil Pulling- A Simple Detox

So before you begin reading this, let me say that I am prepared to hear words of doubt, confusion, and just plain ol' 'are you crazy?!' concerns.  I know this because I have been sharing this simple practice with a few friends, and they all looked at me with the side eye, as if this is something I learned from of a cult.  But seriously, this is an opportunity to hear results before you jump on the bandwagon.  Simply put, oil pulling is a form of detoxing and cleansing the body.  It is so easy, and close to free-  so right up my alley when it comes to time and cost.  Also, please note that this method of detoxing has been performed by many for ages, and has been identified as a best practice for healing the body.    Choose the oil of your choice.  I prefer coconut oil, but other oils work just as well; sunflower, safflower.   Throw a spoonful of oil in your mouth, (don't swallow), swish around for about 15 - 20 minutes.  You can do this daily,

The Takeover -Mind and Body

Finding time for myself can be challenging, but I am starting to recognize the side effects that go along with bad habits-the feelings of exhaustion, stress, and anxiety.  Ignoring your body will only get you so far.  Next up - mental breakdown, physically collapsing, aches and pains, diseases and ailments, etc. Shape up or ship out- It's important that I take care of my body.  God whispered in my ear yesterday (amongst many other occasions) telling me to be more active. I need to start getting my heart pumping regularly, and also work on stretching and my flexibility.  I have committed to doing cardio workouts at least two times weekly, and yogalates twice weekly- the fusion of Yoga and Pilates - Eating Good 80% of the Time That's my goal- to consume the foods that my body loves MOST of the time። An idea that you may want to consider adopting is the 80/20 rule - One o

Turmeric Powder-Health and Beauty Aide

This ancient spice is able to clear up dark spots, brighten and exfoliate the skin, plus address countless health issues. Several months ago, I read an article about the beautiful actress, Thandie Newton.  She mentioned several of her beauty tips, one being that she likes to apply turmeric powder to her blush for a healthy glow.  Her skin is flawless, so I figured I'd give it a try. I first researched turmeric powder, and I was surprised by the many uses this spice has to offer.  See the links below to learn of its additional benefits. For the past six weeks, I have been applying the  turmeric powder directly to my cheeks- the same way you'd apply blush- and then placing blush over the same areas.  My skin has a nice, healthy glow.  You can also create a paste or scrub with the powder to use for the entire face to moisturize dry skin, and to exfoliate dead skin. Please let me know your results once you try turmeric.  I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised.  

Jamaican Black Castor Oil

This is my new go to product for everyday hair consumption- yes, daily use . Jamaican Black Castor Oil (extra dark)- It is again, 100% natural, and my hair loves it thus far.  During my research on castor oil, I have learned that the darker the oil, the more potnent, which results in faster results.  This is why I have decided to stick with the extra dark oil.  I decided to use jbco for an extended period of time prior to reporting my experience, to ensure I could provide accurate feedback.  Keep in mind that jbco can be applied to the skin and face, however I chose to to stick with my prior face/skin routines.  I have found them successful as is, so why experiment?   As for the hair, this oil has the ability to strengthen the hair, in addition to adding thickness and length.  Personally, I have noticed that my hair tangles less, and definitely seems shinier and stronger. If you are interested in trying jbco, you may have to resort in making an online purchase, as I was unsuc

The Right 'Stuff'- Saving Face

Looking for the right 'stuff' to master beautiful skin. Here's a great article on achieving healthy skin and a glowing complexion! I took this article from Urban Bush Babes', Cipriana! She's full of knowledge, and has proven to be a champ in understanding the good and the bad of the skin dilemmas. Click the link below to view the article. Urban Bush Babes , ,  is one of my favorite 'go to sites' for fashion, hair, and beauty knowledge and inspiration.

My Lush Henna Experience

I am going to start by saying that this was my first time using Henna. I have nothing to compare this experience to, and can also claim that I am far from an expert when it comes to Henna. Based off the information I gathered from the Web and You Tube experiences, I believe the Lush Henna is a much simpler, cleaner process, plus the smell is bearable-actually pleasant in my opinion. If you don't wish to dye your hair jet black, like myself, Lush Henna provides several other coloring options, like brown and red. I created the mixture by pouring boiling water over the blocks, which I placed in a ceramic bowl. I gradually added additional blocks, poured more water, and continued stirring until it took the appearance of a brownie batter texture. I decided to use the entire Henna block since my hair is pretty thick. The portion you choose to use is obviously based on the length and texture of your hair. I slathered it on my entire head while wearing rubber gloves. I then wra

Boost Your Immune System- Green Tea Vitamins

If you lack the time necessary for brewing your morning cup of green tea, consider taking green tea vitamins daily. As I've mentioned before, the consumption of green tea daily is powerful for the body. Offering remedies for everything from stomach ulcers to killing unhealthy bacteria, green tea vitamins are definitely something to consider. I have posted a few links below, sharing additional details on this powerful antioxidant. Find more info regarding Good For Me at

Heal Your Home- Safe Cleaning

Real Simple is a brilliant magzine. It's one of the magazines I can read cover to cover, and walk away with a wealth of knowledge on everything from decluttering my work space to learning clever uses for a simple item, like a paperclip! I have yet to be disappointed by their work. This article, from Real Simple, is perfect for those of you looking to create a clean, yet safe haven for your home. If you are not quite ready to experiment or delve into creating your own products, view my upcoming post on safe store-bought products I've found successful.

Master Detox- Bentonite (Indian Clay)

In the mood for the ultimate cleanse?  Do it all with this product, 100% natural,  bentonite clay.  This super inexpensive product has been used for centuries to aid in health and beauty treatments.  Made up of aged volcanic ash found in various  parts of the world, it is considered safe and very effective for detoxing the body (head to toe).  Click the link below, a great article from Natural News-  , sharing the numerous natural wonders of bentonite clay.  arthritis skin ailments cleans pores cleanse hair (shampoo and conditioner) foot soaks, mud baths, bodywraps beauty and cosmetic purposes edible for digestive, intestinal, hemorrhoids, ulcers plus so much more!!! I have only used the clay for external uses (face, body, and hair).  It draws out all of the yucky things (toxins, chemicals, dirt, excess oils, and other impurities) that unknowingly lurk in your skin,

Rooibos- Healing With Tea

Rooibos (Roy-boos) tea, or African red tea, has been a popular drink amongst South Africans for generations. More recently, it has become a favorite tea across the world and has now made its way into my home. It was suggested to me as a natural remedy for my allergy attacks, brought on by the outdoors. I noticed a huge improvement, and almost instantly. I have also experienced positive changes with my digestive system. Needless to say, I'm a fan! This tea is packed with antioxiodants, has a pretty nice taste, and has very few, if any side effects. The only that I have read about were a possible uspet or nauseated feeling and or loose stool- may occur when you first drink it. However, most people have no side effects. It's caffeine free and can pretty much be consumed all day every day, as it only helps the system inside and out. The more, the better, as your body will love it!! Red tea can works on all parts of the body- healing and preventing illnesses and diseases,

Fashion Lounge- Stepping Outside the Box

Big hair, thick eyebrows, glowing skin, a remarkable sense of fashion, and beyond! These are a few reasons that have lead me to take notice of this young lady-Solange Knowles! Her effortless ability to put an entire look together just so, making all eyes turn. Eclectic mixed with an urban and vintage feel, cool colors, and uber-sexiness but so simple! My type of fashion. One of my all-time favorite sites, Urban Bush Babes, posted a beautiful picture spread of Solange, and I just had to share! Be inspired, view links to see Solange and the Urban Bush Babes website. Who or what is inspiring your look right now, encouraging you to step outside of the box?>>

Underneath It All: Beauty in Progress

Here's to figuring it out the simple way!  Find out about my tried and tested, and don't let me forget truly loved products for keeping a fresh face (and body)!! Again, the products mentioned are completely natural, easy to find, affordable, and extremely powerful in more than one way.  Basically, there is no guilt when using them.  I have listed websites so that you can read additional info on both items. Black Soap There are numerous ways that this soap can be put to use.  I have found it to be the safest and perfect cleanser for my face, and more recently, my entire body- including my hair.  It can has helped rejuvenate my skin- washing my face daily (morning and night), clearing up any discoloration and body acne.  Black soap works great as a shampoo too.  It's super-sudsy and will my hair squeaky clean.  It is  natural so I have no problem using on my children's hair.  ***This soap consists of many good-for-you oils and special ingredients that come strai

Fashionable Frocks

With warmer weather quickly approaching, new trends are on the rise. It's time to shuffle through your old spring wardrobe pieces and possibly revive some of your past fashions! Here are a few you can easily get in on. You can go all out and be extreme. Or, be subtle and simply add your own spin on these looks. Tribe Effect- Cool animal print, exotic motifs, bangles and earrings!! Sheer Maddness- Try this spring/summer trend in nudes and pastels to keep it light, or try black for sexiness and mystery! Neon Lights- Go bold with shocking neon colors in apparel, lipsticks, and nails. Color Galore- Color blocking is back and so much fun. Anything goes, so try a pink shirt, orange skirt, and purple cardigan to complete your look! Soft and Demure- Pastels in apparel, handbags, shoes, and nails are perfection for the warm weather. Easy to wear, mix and match nudes and pastels. They all work together so you can create several outfits with only a few pieces.

My Three C's

Coconut oil, cucumber, cod liver oil!  These are three products that you will want to get your hands on after reading this post.  I've found them to be life savers in countless ways. These are all-natural, good-for-you products, easy to get your hands on, and super affordable! Coconut oil does wonders for the body, and in so many ways. I started using the oil in my hair this past summer, but have since discovered the many other benefits I could use in my life.  Of course you can cook with coconut oil, but try using this product for soothing and healing dead skin. Massage into the dry areas of the body, including the scalp, and you'll quickly see a noticeable improvement.  Experience growth in your eyelashes by gently rubbing on your lashes daily.   I only use organic virgin coconut oil to ensure that I get the most use out of the oil, as this is naturally unrefined View the link to see additional pros of coconut oil.